Nest all the elements within the Collection item inside the Div.To reuse a layout you’ve built for a Collection item: But a handy workaround for reusing layouts in Collection lists is to reuse layouts in collection lists and on collection pages. Pasting an entire Collection list will simply paste an empty Collection list element, since Collection data does not get copied over to the new site. When you paste in elements from a source project that have styles applied to their base HTML tags (i.e., when you’ve styled “all H1 headings” or “all paragraphs”) those styles will not copy over to the destination project when pasted. Pasted text elements will inherit styles from parents as normal - which means that if a pasted element does not have styles set for a particular attribute, but those styles are set at the parent level in the destination, they will take effect on the pasted elements. These triggers are added in the project you paste into when connected to elements.

The top section of the Interactions Panel lets us add element triggers, which trigger an animation when we interact with an element-like hovering over or clicking. Here’s a closer look at how we treat conflicts in interactions. But of course, it can be more complicated than this. We’ll also do our best to combine interactions that are identical. Understand interaction names and action conflicts text alignment set to center) and the destination element is using a different style that has things aligned to the right - the copied element will be positioned differently once pasted. If the copied element was inside of an element that centers the copied element using text alignment (e.g. This is because styles are inherited from the elements we paste inside of. Pasting into another element can effect the styles of the copied element. Webflow will notice that the classes are the same, and simply apply Project B’s “Button 3” class to the pasted button. Project B has a class called “Button 3” that’s identical to “Button” from Project A. This cuts down on the number of duplicate styles in your destination project.įor example, let’s say you’re pasting a button with the class “Button” from Project A into Project B. If the classes from the source and the destination project have the same name - ignoring any numbers added at the end (for example “class name”, “class name 2”, “class name 3” etc.) - and the exact same styles, Webflow will merge the pasted classes with the existing class in the destination. If these shortcut keys do have custom functions, make sure to delete them if you wish to use copy/paste between projects. That is, Command + C and Command + V (on Mac) or Control + C and Control + V (on Windows) have their default functions and aren't overridden with custom shortcut keys. You don't have a system preference set up on your computer that overrides the default copy/paste function.You're copying the element from the actual project in the Designer and not from read-only mode.If you're receiving either of these errors: "couldn't read native clipboard data" or "clipboard is empty", check the following: You also can't copy from projects located in 2 different accounts. Important: You can't copy from projects in read-only mode. You can also undo the paste action by pressing Command + Z (on Mac) or Control + Z (on Windows). Paste into your element with Command + V (on Mac) or Control + V (on Windows).Go to the second project, and select the element you want to paste into.Copy an element from one project with Command + C (on Mac) or Control + C (on Windows).To reuse elements and components in another project: All nested elements, styles, assets, settings, and interactions are retained. You can copy any element or group of elements from any of your projects and paste them into another project.